I started work on the Solace of Space collection almost 10 years ago. Actually, the idea to try to capture movement in a still photographic image has been something that I have been experimenting with for over 50 years. As is the case with most of my photographic studies and collections, I am continually experimenting, creating, and adding new images to the collection.
The collection is now at the point where I decided it could stand on its own merit, and so should have a web site of its own, separate from my other work. You can view the wide spectrum of my work at www.bgoodmanphotography.com and the Manzanar: Their Footsteps Remain - 40 years of Photography project at www.manzanarfootsteps.com.
Going forward, I plan to use this blog to introduce you to new images I create for this collection, the locations where the images originated, and (without giving away all of my secrets), some of the technical aspects of what went into creating the imagery.
I am always open to comments and constructive criticism and look forward to hearing from you. You can email me with your comments, critiques and questions at bgoodmanphotography@gmail.com. Thanks for taking the time to view the Solace of Space.

Light Cycle 2 - Vancouver, B.C., Canada © 2013